As I started to think about what I was going to write for this week’s newsletter/blog, a thought struck me. Life is just a game. I contemplated it for just a moment, and then repeated it again. “Life is just a game.” “Yes it is” I realized.
When we become overwhelmed with the many tasks at hand realize that life, your circumstance no matter what it is, is just a game. If you treat your circumstance as a game and look at it light heartedly. Regardless of the circumstance, there is so much more room for soul growth and understanding. You could even change the world to make it a better place once you understand the message and the meaning behind the situation you find yourself.
Even the most negative of experiences hold the key to positive change. You are the detective within your game of life. It’s your challenge to fit the pieces of the puzzle together. You hold the key to your life and how you chose to experience it.
Remember life is a game. Play hard and share your inner joy with others. You might just affect someone else’s life for the better. Athletes are paid big money to play a game. Thousands of folks pay millions of dollars to enrich their lives to experience the sensation of winning. Accomplish what you desire now – by realizing that life is a game – so treat it as such!
Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter/blog. I look forward to reading you in the future.